The Center for Big Bend Studies will hold its 27th Annual Conference November 5th & 6th in the Morgan University Center.
The Conference brings together historians, archaeologists, folklorists & other researchers studying the past and present of the Big Bend region.
The two-day event will feature over 20 speakers, student poster presentations, a reception both evenings, a silent auction, & a Saturday
evening banquet featuring distinguished professor Dr. Rolfe Mandel whosetalk will highlight the search for the first people in the Americas,
and feature several ongoing studies in the Big Bend region including investigations at San Esteban Rockshelter, the Genevieve Lykes Duncan site,
and Calamity and Terlingua Creeks.
This event is FREE to SRSU students, staff, & faculty and we’d love to see ya’ll there. Join us!!!
Please feel free to call (432) 837-8179 or visit cbbs.sulross.edu for more information.