Alumni Association

The Alumni Association’s goal is to advance the rich heritage of SulRoss State University by nuturing life-long relationships with its alumni. We strive to keep alumni informed and connected to the University by providing you with regular news, social and professional networking activities, and opportunities for service.
Alumni are the best friends any University can have. They are the heart and soul of our traditions, spirit, and pride. For Sul Ross State University, building a strong, vibrant alumni base is a critical component of the University’s journey to greatness. The Office of Alumni Relations and the Alumni Association play an active role in keeping alumni aware of what’s happening at their alma mater. We encourage Alumni & Friends to join us at one of our virtual or on campus events.

Contact the Alumni Relations Office
Briscoe Administration Building
Suite 101
SRSU Box C-187, Alpine, TX 79832
(432) 837-8443 or alumni@sulross.edu
Kathy Moreno, ’03/’07
Director of Alumni Relations
Jasmine Vargas, ’22
Alumni Coordinator