Sul Ross welcomes students using education benefits under the Department of Veterans Affairs Educational Assistance Programs in the pursuit of a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree. The SRSU Veteran Certification office is part of the Office of the Registrar. It serves as a liaison between the VA an those students of SRSU participating in a VA educational program.
Our goal is to provide all the pertinent information required for a smooth and seamless transition to all our VA students while providing excellent customer service. Veterans are afforded the same rights and must meet all academic requirements and maintain the same academic standards as any student attending Sul Ross State University.
In Compliance with 34 CF.R 668, Sul Ross State University does not participate in fraudulent or aggressive recruitment of military students including, but not limited to, providing compensation for securing military enrollments or engaging in high-pressure recruitment tactics.
Veterans Assistance
Federal: Veterans Administration Community Care serving remote areas [News, WH, Health Library]
State: The Texas Veterans Commission offers guidance & advocacy to VA services
Local: Brewster County Veterans Service
National Emergency Hotline to notify the VA within 72 hours of a veteran being seen in an emergency room, 1-844-724-7842, (7am – 7pm).
You can leave a message, wait on hold forever, or contact them via email at
Be sure to document everything, who you spoke with, when you called and any additional information that may be needed should the veteran receive emergency medical bills after getting authorization.
VETERANS CRISIS LINE: 1-800-273-8255
VA Isakson and Roe – Section 1018 Requirements
Section 1018 of Public Law 116-315, Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020, adds new requirements for educational institutions participating in the educational assistance programs of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). These new provisions became effective June 15, 2021 and apply to Institutions of Higher Learning and Non-College Degree institutions beginning August 1, 2021. Many of the requirements are consistent with the requirements of the Principles of Excellence, currently in Executive Order 13607; however, there are requirements in addition to those embodied in the Principles of Excellence which schools must also satisfy to maintain approval for GI Bill® participation.
Universities will provide financial information to students using benefits under chapter 30, 31, 32, 33, or 35 of title 38,U.S.C.,or chapter 1606 of title 10, U.S.C. with a personalized shopping sheet that contains:
For specific costs associated with each program, please refer to the Tuition Information on the Bursar/Cashier’s Office web page. An estimated cost of attendance for undergraduates may be viewed here. Additionally, an estimated cost of attendance may be calculated using the Net Price Calculator.
See Room Rates & Meal Plan Rates under the Residential Living page for estimated cost of living expenses.
To learn more about what costs are covered by your VA Education Benefits, please visit our Federal Education Benefits page.
To learn more about the student aid programs available to Sul Ross State University students, please visit our Financial Aid Home Page.
Estimates of future costs and aid eligibility are subject to change based on factors that cannot be reliably predicted. Unforeseeable variables could result in a student’s actual costs and aid eligibility being higher or lower than program-length estimates provided.
Students will receive an estimated amount loan debt incurred upon graduation when they complete Loan Entrance Counseling, as well as any time they complete Loan Exit Counseling. Also see, College Scorecard.
See for information regarding graduation rates visit:
– Student Achievement
– College Scorecard
Sul Ross State University utilizes the American Council on Education’s Guide to the Evaluation of Education Experiences in the Armed Services in evaluating and awarding credit for military service and service school courses. Veterans and service personnel may submit requests for credit as follows:
- Veterans should submit to the Office of Records and Registration DD Form 214, “Armed Forces of the United States Report of Transfer or Discharge” for consideration of credit. To be eligible for consideration, the veteran must have served on active duty at least 181 days exclusive of training.
- Service personnel currently on active duty should submit to the Office of Records and Registration DD Form 295, “Application for the Evaluation of Educational Experiences During Military Service,” certified by a military education officer, in order to have service school courses evaluated.
- Air Force personnel desiring credit for vocational certificates earned through the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) should request the CCAF to send an official transcript to the Office of Records and Registration. The total amount of undergraduate credit which may be awarded for all categories of military service, service school courses, CLEP/DANTES, and collegiate organization courses is thirty semester hours.
To request a copy of your transcript(s) to be sent to Sul Ross State University, please visit the appropriate website.
Joint Services Transcripts – Army, Marines, Navy
Community College of the Air Force – Air Force
See also Transfer Credit Policy or the University Catalog
– See Law Enforcement Academy
– See Nursing
– See Education
– See Certification Requirements
Utilize the Net Price Calculator provided by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to make comparisons to aid packages offered by different educational institutions.
Inform an enrolled covered individual of the availability of federal financial aid, not administered by VA that is offered by the institution.
All students, regardless of their ability to pay, are highly encouraged to complete a FAFSA. Additionally, information about the types of aid available to Sul Ross State University students is posted on the Financial Aid Home Page.
Alert the individual of the potential eligibility for other federal financial aid before packaging or arranging student loans or alternative financing.
Types of Financial Aid
Prohibit automatic renewal of a covered individual in a course and/or programs.
Ensure each covered individual approves of the enrollment in a course.
Adds/Drops/Withdrawals/Changes of Major or Address
Allow enrolled members of the Armed Forces, including reserve components and National Guard to be readmitted if such members are temporarily unavailable or must suspend enrollment by reason of serving in the Armed Forces. Accommodate short absences for such services in the Armed Forces.
Military Service/Mobilization/Activation
Schools must provide covered individuals with the requirements for graduation and a graduation timeline.
Graduation Requirements
Accredited education institutions agree to obtain approval of the respective accrediting agency for each new course or program.
– See Accreditations
– See Common Curriculum Council
Schools must designate an employee of the educational institution to serve as a point of contact for covered individuals and family members seeking assistance with:
Academic Counseling – Sul Ross State University Lobo Den Advisors and Faculty Advisors
Financial Counseling – Sul Ross State University Financial Aid Counselors
Disability Counseling – Counseling and Accessibility Services counselors, Mary Schwartze Grisham, and Ronnie Harris
Other information regarding completing a course of education at the education institution.
Course Policies – General

Sul Ross University – Alpine Campus
- BAB 104
Alpine, Texas 79832 - (432) 837-8048
Rio Grande College
- Office of The Registrar
Eagle Pass Campus - (830) 758-5007