
What is an Estimated Cost of Attendance?

The Estimated Cost of Attendance (ECA) for Sul Ross State University (SRSU) students is a comprehensive estimate of the total expenses associated with attending college for an academic year. It serves as a guideline to help students and their families plan and budget for the costs they may incur while pursuing higher education at SRSU. The ECA typically includes both direct and indirect expenses.

  1. Direct Costs: These are expenses that students will likely pay directly to SRSU. They often include:
    • Tuition and fees: The cost of instruction and other fees charged by the university.
    • Food and Housing: The cost of housing and meals if the student lives on campus.
    • Books and supplies: The cost of required textbooks, materials, and equipment for courses.
  2. Indirect Costs: These are additional expenses that SRSU students may face but may not necessarily pay directly to the university. They can include:
    • Transportation: Costs associated with commuting to and from campus, including gas, public transportation fares, or car maintenance.
    • Personal expenses: Miscellaneous costs such as clothing, toiletries, and entertainment.
    • Off-campus housing and meals: If students live off-campus, they may incur rent, utilities, groceries, and other living expenses.
    • Miscellaneous expenses: Other unforeseen or variable costs that students may encounter during their academic year.

Each SRSU student’s estimated cost of attendance will be listed on their mySRSU account. This personalized estimation allows students to access detailed information about their anticipated expenses, aiding in financial planning and decision-making throughout their college journey at Sul Ross State University. The ECA is not a bill but rather an estimate the university uses to calculate financial aid eligibility and determine the overall cost of attending SRUS. It gives students a general understanding of the financial commitment required for their education and helps them make informed decisions regarding budgeting, financial aid applications, and other financial considerations.

Undergraduate Texas Residents Enrolled Full-Time





Tuition & Fees (based on 30 hours per year)




Living Expenses




Books & Supplies








Miscellaneous expenditures




Estimated Cost of Attendance Total




* Commuter refers to students who commute to campus and live with parents or relatives.

Graduate Texas Residents Enrolled Full-Time




Tuition & Fees (based on 18 hours per year)



Living Expenses



Books & Supplies






Miscellaneous expenditures



Estimated Cost of Attendance Total

