Hazlewood Exemption
The Texas Education Code provides for a waiver for active-duty veterans as follows: who were legal residents of Texas at the time they entered military service, and Home of Record is listed as Texas on the DD214, are entitled to a waiver of tuition and some fees at state-supported colleges and universities. This benefit is also available to children of Texas servicemen and women who died or were killed in military service, and to children of Texas military personnel who are shown to be missing in action or prisoners of war. Eligible veterans may now assign unused hours of exemption eligibility to a child under certain conditions. To be eligible, the child must: be a Texas resident, be the biological child, stepchild, adopted child, or claimed as a dependent in the current or previous tax year, be 25 years or younger on the first day of the semester or term for which the exemption is claimed (unless granted an extension due to a qualifying illness or debilitating condition), and make satisfactory academic progress in a degree or certificate program as determined by the institution. If a child to whom hours have been delegated fails to use all of the assigned hours, a veteran may re-assign the unused hours that are available to another dependent child. Veterans’ spouses are not eligible to receive a transfer of unused hours. Also eligible are children of members of the Texas National Guard or the Texas Air National Guard killed since January 1, 1946, while on active duty either in service of Texas or the United States. Any person claiming this benefit must have exhausted all federal educational benefits and be a legal resident of Texas at the time of application.
Apply for Hazlewood benefits
Complete the Application for Texas Hazlewood Tuition Reduction.
This must be completed once per academic year.
(Typically each Fall semester)
Each semester, complete the Texas Hazlewood Continuation Form.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following charges will be covered in full by Hazlewood:
Designated Tuition
Computer Access Fee
Technology Services Fee
International Fee
Public Records Fee
Library Fee
Distance Learning Fee
Lab Fees
Post Baccalaureate Int. Fee
Student Teaching Fee
The following charges are NOT covered by Hazlewood:
Dorm or apartment charges
Meal plans
Recreational Sports Fee
Athletic Fee
Medical Service Fee
Student Center Fee
Lab or Private Lesson Fees
Property Deposit
Parking Fee
Post Office Box Fee
Books and Supplies
Orientation Fee
Complete the Application for Texas Hazlewood Tuition Reduction.
This must be completed once per academic year.
(Typically each Fall semester)
Each semester, complete the Texas Hazlewood Continuation Form.
You can apply for the exemption once you have been admitted to the university.
An application must be submitted once per academic year. This is typically the fall semester as it is the start of the academic year.
You must request the exemption every semester.
The application and all documentation must be received prior to the last day of classes in order to receive the exemption.
The DD 214 (member copy #4) is issued to a veteran upon discharge from military duty. Your DD 214 must show that you entered military service from Texas. If you served after September 9, 2001, you will also need a letter from the VA specifying that your eligibility has expired or that you have used your all of your educational benefits.
For additional requirements see application.
Yes, if eligible.
Once all required documents are received, it typically takes 48 hours for review by the School Certifying Official (SCO).
The SCO will notify the Cashier’s office or Business Services to apply the exemption to your account. This typically takes an additional 24 – 48 hours.
The exemption cannot be applied to your account if you are not enrolled in classes.
There is no maximum or minimum to the number of hours per semester.
Up to a maximum of 150 semester credit hours earned, beginning with fall 1995. Credit earned prior to fall 1995 do not apply toward the 150 hour limit. Developmental hours are included in the total.
Yes. If you use Hazlewood at another Texas school, you must secure a Notice of Transfer Credit Used for Hazlewood Act from each school attended. Check with the registrar for additional information.