Admissions Checklist
Application for Admission
Apply using the Texas Common Application at List all previously attended colleges or universities. A one-time, non-refundable application fee of $25 is required. Transfer students are eligible to receive a fee waiver when they submit a copy of their financial aid award letter showing that they received a Pell Grant or other need based scholarship within the past year
Official college/university transcripts from all institutions attended
Send official transcripts (faxes, copies and scans are not accepted) from all colleges and universities to Enrollment Services. Many colleges and universities send transcripts electronically and in most cases, Sul Ross receives those within two to three business days. Check with your university or college to determine if they send electronic transcripts.
Admission Requirements for Transfer Students
Transferable Hours
Overall GPA Requirement
2.0 higher
Less than 12
2.0 or higher and meet First Time in College Admission Requirements
Transfer students have attempted college credit hours after high school graduation.The student must provide official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended. A cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or greater is required. The student must be in good standing with the most recently attended university or college.
Students who do not have 12 transferable hours must meet both transfer and first time in college admission requirements.
Transferable hours do not include remedial or developmental coursework; technical or vocational courses; courses taken for a certificate of completion or continuing education; chapel; and freshman seminar/study skills.
Mail Transcripts & Other Admission documents to
- Sul Ross State University
- Enrollment Management
- Box C-2
- Alpine, TX 79832
- Sul Ross State University
- Enrollment Management
- 432.837.8053