Sul Ross State University offers High School Equivalency Exam on computer from two different companies (GED and HiSET).
HiSET testing is not available at this time. Please check this webpage for updates or contact for further information.
Must not have graduated from high school and not be currently enrolled in high school. Must be 18 years of age, or be 17 years old and produce parental or guardian permission to test. Sixteen-year-olds test only by order of the courts.
Test Schedule
GED tests are offered every Tuesday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. HiSET testing dates are to be determined. The testing center may be closed due to holidays or staff availability.
GED go to their site and create an account at
HiSET go to their site and create an account at
Payments are made online for the exam.
GED offers four subjects (Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, and Math), which cost $36.25 each or a total of $145 for all four tests.
HiSET offers five subjects (Science, Social Studies, Language Arts – Reading, Language Arts – Writing, and Math), which cost $25 each or a total of $125 for all five tests.
Testing Procedures
All tests at Sul Ross State University will be administered in room 211-B of the University Center. Examinees are asked to arrive 15 minutes prior to the scheduled test start time.
Aids such as notebooks, or dictionaries are not allowed. Testing schedule and additional information is available in UC Suite 211. For additional information about the GED Test, visit the Texas Education Association website or contact Sul Ross Testing Center at 432/837-8178.
Check with Alpine Public Library for tutoring information on the High School Equivalency Exam 432-837-2621 or 805 W. Avenue E
Special accommodations are available for those who qualify. Some accommodations are available that do not require documentation. Check with the testing office regarding these aids prior to the test date.
Grading, Score Reports and Certificates
GED after the first three attempts, 60 day wait period is required between subsequent retakes.
HiSET maximum three attempts per calendar year.
Examinees have access to their scores at their online account that is created for payment two to three days after testing. Examinees will receive the score letter and/or certificate (if they pass) from the Austin office approximately two weeks after the examination. To access your certificate or to order a replacement, go to: