Jadah Smith, Criminal Justice major, is the winner of the poster design contest for the National Survey of Student Engagement. Professor Avram Dumitrescu coordinated the contest and judging, and he said,
“We received many great posters. It really was difficult choosing a winner but, I felt that Jahad’s design worked the best. She applied the University’s traditional color scheme to graphical representations of objects many students use every day to create a visually strong poster.”
The poster is designed to remind all freshmen and seniors to participate in the NSSE survey when they receive a personal email invitation. The survey will open on March 1. All students who complete the survey will be entered into a raffle to win a Samsung Smart TV or BEATS headphones.
The Office of Institutional Effectiveness launches the National Survey of Student Engagement each year to ask students about four important themes of their campus experience such as academic challenge, interactions with faculty, campus environment, and peer to peer learning. This year, SRSU placed a special focus on the learning with peers theme. In November, the university hosted Rachel Franco to present workshops on peer to peer learning for faculty, athletes, staff, and students.
NSSE provides valuable assessment data to inform improvement efforts focused on student learning and success. The survey asks students to reflect on high impact practices such as service-learning, research with faculty, internships, study abroad, and senior capstone projects.
SRSU participates each year in the National Survey of Student Engagement, along with over 1,600 institutions since 2000. Approximately, six million students have completed the survey since 2000. Administrators, faculty and staff value our students’ responses and also consider the comparative data that identify differences between SRSU students’ ratings and students from other institutions.
Dr. Jeanne Qvarnstrom, Assistant Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness, invites all students to participate in the survey, because the results are carefully reviewed and used to make enhancements to students’ campus life.