• courtesy of Carol Fairlie •
The 2019 Annual Juried Student Art Competition is now accepting student art entries. The Competition is open to any student currently enrolled at Sul Ross State University, and prizes will include cash and merchandise.
Entries will be accepted in the Department of Fine Arts & Communication office (FAB 106) between 9:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. from Monday, April 15 through Thursday, April 18.
A prospectus will be available both inside and outside the office, and all entries must have the prospectus filled out, and fee paid, at the time of artwork submission.
Entries may include any 2-D or 3-D medium created within the past two years while enrolled at Sul Ross. All entries must be gallery ready. 2-D works must be wired and ready to hang with no saw tooth hangers. Gallery wrapped canvasses are acceptable; however, no raw or exposed stapled canvas edges, or wet work, will be accepted.
All works on paper must be framed under glass or plastic.
A maximum of 3 entries may be entered by each student with a fee of $3 per entry.
Entries must meet requirements to be eligible for the competition.
The exhibit will be juried by Avram Dumitrescu, Carol Fairlie and Gregory Tegarden. Entries will be judged solely on originality, creativity, technical merit, and craftsmanship.
Cash prizes will be given to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, as well as for honorable mention and a People’s Choice Award.
Entries not accepted for the exhibition must be picked up from FAB 108 as soon as possible. Accepted works must be picked up at the conclusion of the showing on Friday, May 10.
To all who enter, good luck. We look forward to seeing your new work.
The Awards Reception Ceremony will be held on Wednesday, May 1 from 5:30-6:15 p.m.
For more information, please contact Carol Fairlie at fairlie@sulross.edu, Gregory Tegarden at gtegarden@sulross.edu, or Avram Dumitruscu at adumitrescu@sulross.edu.