Due to the current coronavirus pandemic and ensuing disruptions it has presented to university life, the Sul Ross State University Campus Environment Survey is postponed until the Fall 2020 Semester.
“Faculty, staff and students have been developing this survey since December, 2019,” said Dr. Jeanne Qvarnstrom, Assistant Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness.
Qvarnstrom stated that members of the Guiding Coalition for the Campus Environment Survey had originally planned to launch the survey on March 30.
“After careful consideration, the group decided to delay the survey until the Fall Semester, 2020,” said Qvarnstrom.
“At that time, the survey will be emailed to all faculty, staff and students and they will be asked to rate the important areas of climate, student experience, work-life balance, discrimination/fair treatment, communication, organization/leadership, and resources,” she said. “And everyone’s voice is important.”
Qvarnstrom, noted that there are currently 2,857 members of the SRSU community.
Members of the coalition include: Rosemary Brisen᷉o, Valerie Baca, Jazell Diaz, Travis Hendryx, Karlin DeVoll, Maria Gear, Bibi Gutierrez, Chris Herrera, Dominick Percoco, Savannah Williamson and Anne Van Loon
For more information, email Qvarnstrom at jqvarnstrom@sulross.edu.