• by Kirk Macon, Editor • from the Thursday Oct. 7, 1982 Skyline •
The Sul Ross Business Department has a word processor that is the “computer of today,” according to Mazie Will, instructor of business administration.
The Business Department’s Wang Word Processor is primarily used for the business course, Word Processing Principles and Applications, which is offered every spring semester and taught by Mrs. Will. It is a required course for some business majors and minors, and an option for others.
“Normally there is a heavy demand for the course,” she said.
According to Mrs. Will, the primary reason for the popularity of word processors in today’s business world is efficiency.
“Word processors increase productivity and efficiency in the office because time is valuable to business persons, and word processors help to better use that time.”
The word processor has a standard typewriter keyboard with some special keys. As typing is done, the person can read on the electronic screen as he or she types; editing can be done as you go, before the print-out is made. The document is then stored on magnet disks for future use.
Uses for the word processor vary according to profession and needs of the business, but the most common use is for the personalization of letters.
“Personally addressed letters,” Mrs. Will said, “look better and have the appearance of being personally typed. It creates a clean, error-free, attractive personal document.”
“A person who has learned the computer has better chances of getting employment, a higher salary, and a chance at promotion,” she said.
Mrs. Will said that although there are literally hundreds of brands of word processors, one who is trained on one particular brand can make the transition from one brand to another.