• courtesy of Judith Loya •
Sul Ross State University is very excited to announce the first Study-A-Thon will take place Thursday, May 9 (the Dead Day before finals week). The Study-A-Thon committee has been reaching out to different departments on campus looking for faculty to help, but WE NEED YOUR HELP too!
We would like to open this opportunity to all staff and faculty. If you have a talent you would like to share with our students and that would be beneficial at this event, contact us! It can be anything from tutoring a subject in your field to helping out with different activities happening throughout the day. This is an eight-hour event (from 2:00-10:00 p.m.), so we need as much help as we can get.
If you are interested in helping out Study-A-Thon, please contact Judith Loya at 432-837-8476/jloya@sulross.edu, or Patrick Clingman at 432-837-8342/pclingman@sulross.edu.