by Travis Hendryx, Office of Public Relations
Sul Ross State University Faculty Navigators took part in a Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) training session Thursday in the Espino Conference Room.
Thursday’s session is one of two scheduled for the week with the second taking place at Sul Ross Middle Rio Grande Campus-Del Rio on Friday, October 18.
Dr. Jennifer Beasley, Director of Teacher Education at the University of Arkansas, presented Using Assessments to Guide Instruction and Evaluate Student Learning.
Beasley has more than 25 years experience in education as an elementary school teacher, gifted facilitator and university professor.
Topics at Thursday’s training session included designing assessment quality and smart goals for the semester.
“The goal of this workshop was to design assessments to measure student learning outcomes and to focus on how assessment drives instruction,” said Dr. Jeanne Qvarnstrom, Assistant Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness.
The primary responsibility of Faculty Navigators is to infuse QEP Student Learning Outcomes into a course.
For more information, contact Qvarnstrom at (432) 837-8395 or email