by Travis Hendryx, Office of Public Relations
Seven Sul Ross State University students will make presentations at the Fifth Annual Borderlands Research Institute’s Undergraduate Symposium on Friday, September 20.
The event will be held in room 130 of the Turner Range and Animal Science Center and will begin with a reception and opening remarks at 9:30 a.m.
At 10:00 a.m., Katherine E. Haile will present Nutritional Differences of Pronghorn Preferred Forage and a Carrying Capacity Estimation of the Marathon and Marfa Grasslands in Trans-Pecos Texas.
Daniel E. Botello will then discuss Comparison of Nutritional Values of Juniper Species in the Trans-Pecos Region of Texas at 10:15.
At 10:30 a.m., Hagen D. Meyer will present Documenting the Plant Evaluation Process for Commercial Release Purposes: Evaluation of Hairy Grama and Narrowleaf Globemallow for West Texas.
Following a break at 10:45, Erin E. Bittner will focus on Protein Feeder Utilization by Racoons in the Cienega Mountains, Texas at 11:00 a.m.
Weston R. Conine will then discuss Javelina Visitation and Interspecies Interactions at Protein Feeders in the Santiago Mountains, Texas at 11:15.
At 11:30, Walter G. Flocke will present Prey Composition of Western Burrowing Owls During Nesting Season at Rio Bosque Wetlands, El Paso, Texas.
Julie R. Schmidt will wrap up the program at 11:45 with Evaluation of Experiences of a Student Mentee with the Respect Big Bend Coalition.
The presentations are the results of independent research projects.
For more information, contact Thomas Janke, Mentor Program Coordinator, Borderlands Research Institute at (254) 541-5116 or email