by Travis Hendryx, Office of Public Relations
EL PASO, Texas- Sul Ross State University was the recipient of the Texas Workforce Solutions (TWS) HireAbility Award that was presented during an organization forum Wednesday in El Paso.
The university received the award as a first time participant in the Summer Earn and Learn (SEAL) program that recruits employees with disabilities said Dr. Yvonne Realivasquez, Assistant Vice President for Administration and Development.
“The TWS held a workshop in Alpine this summer and asked for participants to work with employees with disabilities,” Realivasquez said. “Sul Ross was eager to participate in this program.”
She added that two Sul Ross students were employed as part of the SEAL program and the university looks forward to working with more students in the future.
“The Texas Workforce Solutions Borderplex has been an effective partner with us for many years and this program allowed us to expand our reach to yet another diverse group of employees,” said Realivasquez.
“We were honored to have received this award from the organization and look forward to working with TWS in the future.”
According to its website, Texas Workforce Solutions is the public workforce system for a six-county Borderplex region that includes the counties of Brewster, Culberson, El Paso, Hudspeth, Jeff Davis and Presidio.
The TWS mission is to assist employers in finding quality employees and training individuals with the skills necessary to thrive in the workplace. TWS offers a broad range of programs and services to effectively address local workforce issues.
TWS establishes partnerships with various stakeholders within the region to improve education, employment and economic development.
Texas Workforce Solutions is a publicly funded, non-profit organization. TWS receives state and federal tax dollars to provide employment and job training services within the Borderplex region.
For more information, contact Maricruz Muro, TWS Student Hireability Manager at (915) 887-2600 or email maricruz.muro@boderplexjobs.com.