Dr. Andy Duncan will speak as a part of the Sul Ross State University Rio Grande College lecture series Tuesday, Oct. 25, at 6 p.m.
Dr. Andy Duncan
Duncan’s honors include a Nebula Award, a Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award, three World Fantasy Awards, and the Science Fiction Research Association’s Mary Kay Bray Award for book reviewing. Weird Western Maryland, his 2021 sabbatical project, continues at https://weirdwesternmd.blogspot.com/. He was named in 2022 as a founding member of the Core Workshop Group of Clarion West, which he attended in another century. His latest books are Charlie Tells Another One from Wildside Press and An Agent of Utopia from Small Beer Press and Recorded Books. He tweets @Beluthahatchie and lives in Maryland’s mountains, where he’s tenured at Frostburg State University.
To join the online lecture, please email Dr. Audrey Taylor, Asst. Prof. of English at audrey.taylor@sulross.edu for the link.