La Frontera Research Initiative at Sul Ross State University will host the 7th Annual Science of STEM Literacy Conference in Alpine next month.
Students, faculty, staff, educators and STEM education outreach professionals are invited to the Morelock Academic Building on Monday, July 22, from 9 a.m. to 2 pm. Lunch will be provided with registration.
This year’s theme is “Lighting Pathways Toward STEM Literacy Success.”
The Keynote Speaker, Mitzi Adams, joined the NASA workforce in March 1988 as a graduate student. Adams’ primary research work involved the use of ground-based data from Marshall Space Flight Center’s solar vector magnetograph. With the launch of Hinode in 2006 and the Solar Dynamics Observatory in 2010, she switched from ground-based data to data acquired in space to investigate questions of the origins and triggers of solar jets and flares.
Earlier in her career, she supported Branch Chief John Davis with analysis of data from tests of a Solar X-ray Imager that launched in 2001 on the GOES-12 spacecraft. Participating as a volunteer at the Fernbank Science Center in Atlanta and the Von Braun Astronomical Society in Huntsville, Ala., Adams gained experience with education and outreach activities, which she has continued to develop throughout her career, most recently leading and participating in the 2023 annular and the 2024 total solar eclipses. Adams is the Assistant Manager for the Heliophysics and Planetary Branch of NASA/MSFC.
Additional presenters include Dr. Michelle Rinehart, superintendent, Alpine ISD; the Citizen CATE team for the total eclipse in Eagle Pass, including Noyce Scholar Andrea Rivera, Alejandra Martinez and Bobby Greeson; Dr. Chris Ritzi and Noyce Scholars Halie Fox and Jose Gloria; and Nadine Mannhart, Literacy Coalition of the Permian Basin.
To attend, please register at https://sites.google.com/view/stemliteracyconference2024/registration?authuser=0
For more information, email jennifer.miller@sulross.edu.