• by Dominique Vargas, McNair Program Director •
Fifteen Sul Ross State University students will present their undergraduate research findings July 9-10 at Sul Ross as a part of the 2018 McNair Summer Research Institute. Student research fields include: criminal justice, animal science, chemistry, geology, psychology, music, business, digital art, literature, and kinesiology.
The presentations will take place at 1:00pm in Lawrence Hall room 309, and community members are welcome to join Sul Ross faculty, staff, and students in attendance.
July 9 presentations include: Kaylee Plowman of Wichita Falls presenting Art-Based Intervention Effects to Reduce Anxiety Levels; Kadean Solis of El Paso presenting Factors Influencing Decision to Become a Parent: Resiliency and Adverse Childhood Events; Alexis Amancio of Presidio presenting Exploration of the Relationships Between Perceptions of Behaviors and Boundary Violations; Alfonso Anaya of Presidio presenting The Importance of Keeping the Dark Skies Dark and the Effort to Make Bright Skies Darker: Research & Creative Project; Amy Nava of Alpine presenting Potential and Current Cannabis Tax Revenue Issues; Linda Padilla-Cruz of El Paso presenting The Other Face of the War on Drug: Are Physicians White Collar Drug Dealers; Michelle Ramos of Alpine presenting No es Para Nosotros: The Cultural Expression of Social-Familial Oppression in Hispanic Culture; and Valentine Shindel of Sanderson presenting A Formal and Harmonic Analysis of Arthur Frackenpohl’s Sonata for Euphonium and Piano, Movement I.
July 10 presentations include: Anissa Garcia of El Paso presenting Comparison of Digestibility of Forages in Jersey Steers Supplemented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae on a High and Low Quality Forage Diet; Noheli Gutierrez of El Paso presenting Effects of DigestaWell Fiber-Power on In Vitro Digestibility of Alfalfa and Coastal Bermudagrass Hay Fed to Horses; Itzel Soto of El Paso presenting Digestibility of Forages in Jersey Steers Supplemented with Liquid Glycerol on a Wheat Hay Forage Diet; Fabian Baeza of Van Horn presenting An Assessment of Region 18 Texas High School Football Athletes’ Knowledge and Attitude Towards Concussions; Olivia Enriquez of Lamesa presenting Chemical Analysis of Alamito Creek Sediment; Miranda Gilbert of San Antonio presenting Relationship between Continuum and Emission line properties of Quasars: A multi-wavelength Analysis; and Juan Mora of Alpine presenting Development of Synthetic Carbohydrate Biomimetics as Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Prophylactics.
Honoring an astronaut who died in the 1986 space shuttle explosion, the U.S. Department of Education’s Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program is designed to encourage first generation, low-income students and minority undergraduates to consider careers in college teaching and to prepare them for doctoral study.
Students who participate in the program are provided with faculty mentors, tuition, a room and board scholarship, and a $2,000 stipend upon completion of their projects. In addition to the annual McNair-Tafoya Symposium held at Sul Ross in October, students are encouraged to present their findings at state and national conferences.
For more information on the McNair Program, contact Dominque Vargas at (432) 837-8019 or dvargas@sulross.edu.