The Sul Ross State University Education Department, in conjunction with the National Education Honor Society Kappa Delta Pi, is recognizing teachers during the annual National Teachers Day today, May 5.
National Teachers Day is part of an annual initiative to celebrate teachers during National Teacher Appreciation Week, May 4-8.
“Sul Ross State University was established to provide teachers for the communities and the area schools in West Texas and that commitment has continued,” said Dr. Jeanne Qvarnstrom, Assistant Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness and Associate Professor of Education.
”This year, more than ever, the Sul Ross Education Department and Kappa Delta Pi wanted to recognize the amazing commitment of our local teachers to serve their students and the communities.”
Qvarnstrom said that because of the current COVID-19 crisis, the annual department reception has been cancelled but teachers received notepads as a token of appreciation.
”There is a strong bond between local schools and Sul Ross,” Qvarnstrom said. “So it was most important, during this time when teachers are providing extraordinary service, to recognize them and say ‘thank you’”.
In 1914, Texas Governor James E. Ferguson turned his sights to the Texas Frontier and signed a bill selecting Alpine as the location for a normal school.
Three years later, the institution was founded as Sul Ross Normal College and opened its doors for the first time to 77 students in the summer of 1920.
In 1923, the Legislature changed the name of the institution to Sul Ross State Teachers College, and advanced courses leading to baccalaureate degrees were added.
For more information, contact Qvarnstrom at (432) 837-8395 or email jqvarnstrom@sulross.edu.