The annual National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) recently closed with 240 Sul Ross State University students participating from the Alpine, Del Rio, Eagle Pass and Uvalde campuses.
The survey is an important measure of how students think about the quality of collegiate life at Sul Ross. Students were asked to rate indicators such as collaborative learning, opportunities for discussion with diverse others and developing critical thinking.
The NSSE was launched by the SRSU Office of Institutional Effectiveness and offered incentives for student participation. The winning students were selected through a raffle and include:
Christina Deleon (SRSU-Uvalde)
Aiden Elliott (SRSU-Alpine)
Jaquelynn Martinez (SRSU-Eagle Pass)
“We would like to thank all of our students for participating,” said Dr. Jeanne Qvarnstrom, Assistant VP for Institutional Effectiveness.
“The NSSE results will be released later this summer and studied carefully,” she said.
Qvarnstrom explained that the overall goal of the survey is to identify aspects of the undergraduate experience at SRSU that can be improved through changes in policy and practice.
For more information, contact Qvarnstrom at (432) 837-8395 or email jqvarnstrom@sulross.edu.