• courtesy of Lori Conant •
Each spring, the Sul Ross State University president recognizes the University’s Man and Woman of the Year at the Honors Convocation. These are the highest honors a Sul Ross senior can achieve.
It’s now time to begin the selection process for SRSU’s 2019 Man and Woman of the Year, and the nomination procedures have been changed to allow each active student organization to nominate one woman and one man. Organizations interested in nominating seniors for these awards should contact Lori Conant, executive assistant to the provost, at lconant@sulross.edu, 432-837-8036, or by visiting BAB 203. To be eligible, students must be a senior with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher and must have demonstrated exceptional citizenship and leadership. Nomination packets are due to the provost no later than Friday, March 29 to be eligible. The nomination form can be found HERE.
This year’s Honors Convocation will be held Monday, April 29 at 7 p.m. in Marshall Auditorium.