
Lobo Den hires a number of students each semester to work as tutors. To be a good tutor, you must not only know your academic field, but you must also be good with people. You have to want to talk to people, to share what you know, to be willing to listen, and to be a leader. It takes a special personality to be a good tutor. If you have the right qualities, then we’d love to talk to you about hiring on. The tutor positions are part-time and range from 5 to 20 hours per week. We do work around your class schedule. We hire both undergraduate and graduate students. To be a tutor, you must be TSI clear, have a 3.0 cumulative GPA, have attended classes at SRSU for at least one semester, and have a faculty member willing to act as a reference for you (preferably from the discipline area in which you wish to tutor). The Process:

  1. Check with the Financial Aid Office to see if you qualify for the College Work Study Program. You need to know your work-study status before you apply.
  2. Go to the Career Services and Testing Office, which is located in UC 211C, where you will fill out an application. Career Services will send your application to Lobo Den.
  3. We will contact you to come in and take a diagnostic test in the area in which you wish to tutor.
  4. If you pass the diagnostic test, then you will interview with the Director of Lobo Den and the Senior Tutor.
  5. If the interview goes well, then you will go to Human Resources (BAB 110) to complete the hiring paperwork. Be sure to take your social security card and driver’s license with you as well information for completing your W-2 form and I-90 form.
  6. After that, we will determine your work schedule. Please know that we may not always be able to give you the number of hours that you wish to work. We have to balance your desires against the Lobo Den’s needs.
  7. Your first semester in Lobo Den you will be on probation as you are evaluated to see how well you cope with the duties of a tutor. Again, not everyone is cut out to be a tutor.
  8. All tutors are required to attend mandatory training sessions. You must be working towards earning CRLA/ITTCP Level One certification starting the first semester that you work for Lobo Den.

Career Services