• by Paul Slocumb •
The Texas State University System Board of Regents held their quarterly meeting Thursday and Friday (Nov. 15-16) in Huntsville, TX at Sam Houston State University’s Lowman Student Center.
The Board received Sul Ross State University President Dr. Bill Kibler’s briefing on institutional effectiveness and development, retention and recruiting, capital improvements, and information technology. Kibler’s briefing also detailed recent activities at SRSU’s Rio Grande Research Center, Borderlands Research Institute, Museum of the Big Bend, and Center for Big Bend Studies.
The Regents acknowledged more than $750,000 in gifts and donations to Sul Ross including:
*$10,000 from the William H. Pitt Foundation, Inc. for the William H. Pitt/Charles Mallory Scholarship
*$15,000 from the William H. Pitt Foundation, Inc. for the Museum of the Big Bend Advantage Fund
*$5,500 from Mr. Jack Mayfield for the Museum of the Big Bend’s Annual Trappings of Texas
*$10,000 from Safari Club International West Texas Chapter, Inc. for the Borderlands Research Institute (BRI) Bighorn Sheep Project
*$10,000 from the Yarborough Foundation for the BRI Stewardship Program
*$62,214.48 from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation for the BRI Pronghorn Restoration Project
*$50,000 from the Cynthia & George Mitchell Foundation for the BRI West Texas Initiative
*$5,000 from Ms. Evelyn Kingsbery for the Evelyn Bruce Kingsbery Rodeo Scholarship
*$200,234.38 from the Estate of Mrs. Betty Faye Owens for the Norman D. Martindale Memorial Scholarship Fund in Industrial Arts
*$75,000 from Park Cities Quail for the BRI Scaled Quail Project
*$130,000 from the Estate of Mrs. Dorothy Haines for the Dorothy Haines Music Scholarship Endowment
*$6,000 from the Texas Ornithological Society for the BRI Grassland Bird Project
*$5,000 from the San Antonio Livestock Exposition for the BRI-SALE Fellowship
*$173,000 from the Estate of Mr. Don Mulhern for the Museum of the Big Bend Gene Myrick & Don Mulhern Endowment