The Sul Ross State University Department of Education will participate in the National Read Aloud celebration on Feb. 7 at the Espino Conference Center on the second floor of the Morgan University Center.
National Read Aloud was created by LitWorld in 2010 and is organized annually in 173 countries.
Local families with pre-kindergarten through fourth grade students are invited to participate and will be asked to register for the event through their school. The featured book for the event, I Remember: Poems and Pictures of Heritage, includes poetry by Guadalupe Garcia McCall, author and SRSU graduate.
Pizza will be served beginning at 6 p.m., and McCall will begin the program by sharing her poetry. Then, honored readers including Mary Beth Garrett from Alpine Public Library, Mayor Catherine Eaves, SRSU First Lady Lupita Hernandez, Dr. Joey Velasco, Dr. Melissa Wesney, Dr. Diana Rodriguez, Dr. Bradley Carpenter, Dr. Jennifer Miller-Ray, Professor Bret Scott and Lobo football players will read a variety of stories in small reading groups.
Each participating student will be given a bookmark to use for a prize they can receive by visiting Alpine Public Library.
The event is underwritten by a $2,000 grant from Humanities Texas and by a $1,000 donation from West Texas National Bank in Alpine. Alpine’s Front Street Books provided a discount on materials used for the event.
For more information, email Dr. Jeanne Qvarnstrom at jqvarnstrom@sulross.edu.