Family Day at Sul Ross State University is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 12, in Alpine.
Families and students are invited to attend any or all of the events planned throughout the day.
Family Day check-in will be held on the first floor of the Morgan University Center, where attendees will be given information about things to do in Alpine, a free pass to the Museum of the Big Bend, a discount coupon for merchandise at the campus store, and will be encouraged to explore the grounds.
A service project starts at 8 a.m. Those interested will meet in the “fishbowl” on the first floor of the Gallego Center to join students, faculty and staff to plant trees for local residents, in partnership with the Big Bend Conservation Alliance.
Service project participants must register at https://tinyurl.com/YC6KT783.
Tailgate on Lobo Lane at Jackson Field between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. with games and hotdogs provided by Big Bend Telephone Company.
Finally, the Lobos kick-off against Southwestern University at 1 p.m. for their last regular season game.
“We’ve simplified our schedule a little to try to give families more time with their Lobos while they’re in town,” said Vice President for Student Affairs Ben Telesca. “Our campus is beautiful, Alpine is beautiful, and there’s so much to see and do.”
Register for Family Day at https://www.sulross.edu/admissions/familyday.
For more information about Alpine and where to stay, go to visitalpinetx.com.