Muriel Cotman, who graduated from SRSU on Dec. 15 with a bachelor’s degree in music, has been a tremendous advocate of the Lobo Pantry since last Spring, when she volunteered to do a food drive of her own.
She did all the work, collecting information about the pantry, what students do and don’t like, and even created her own information display for the First Presbyterian Church in Alpine. This Fall, Muriel’s advocacy on behalf of the Lobo Pantry has contributed to 171 lbs. of food donations, hygiene products and several small financial contributions.
In addition to the church, Muriel works with the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Daughters of the Republic of Texas.
“What motivated me to advocate support for the Lobo Pantry was the passing of Ms. Judy Parsons. I thought that this donation drive would be a good way to honor her memory,” she said.
Ms. Parsons was a member of each of the organizations and a member of the faculty and staff at SRSU for 50 years, retiring in 2015.
Muriel is a great example of Margaret Mead’s quote, ‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world,’” said Director Katy Williams. “Judy Parsons left a legacy at Sul Ross, and Muriel found three smalls groups and rallied them to support a cause. Through their work they are changing the world, one student at a time. The Lobo Pantry is fully funded and dependent on grants and donations, and we couldn’t do the work we are doing without support from thoughtful, committed students and citizens like Muriel.”
For more information, email
Photo: Muriel Cotman at First Presbyterian Church in Alpine.