Sul Ross State University will host the 6th Annual Undergraduate and Graduate Research Symposium as a two-day in-person and virtual event on April 17-18.
Students from all Sul Ross campuses and academic disciplines will cover research or creative work from summer 2022 through the current semester.
On Monday, April 17, students will present their research in-person as oral presentations, through panel discussions and as posters from 1 to 6 p.m. in the Morgan University Center Espino Conference Center on the Alpine campus.
Dr. Alicia Trotman, assistant professor of Psychology at SRSU, and Dr. Tiffany Culver, assistant professor of Psychology at Schreiner University, will deliver the symposium keynote address at noon. Refreshments will be provided.
Dr. Carlos Hernandez, president, will provide opening remarks.
On Tuesday, April 18, the symposium will be virtual from 3 to 6 p.m. on the SRSU Undergraduate and Graduate Symposium website. Students will show their pre-recorded presentations followed by a live Q&A with the presenters.
For more information and schedules covering both days of the symposium, visit the SRSU Undergraduate and Graduate Symposium website at https://srinfo.sulross.edu/srsusymposium/.