The College of Agriculture, Life and Physical Sciences at Sul Ross State University will host 114 regional members of 4-H and Future Farmers of America who will compete in six separate career development events on Thursday, April 4.
The participants represent 10 different high school FFA chapters and four county 4-H clubs. The CDEs are facilitated by Sul Ross faculty, students and community volunteers. Events and associated superintendents include Applied Agricultural Engineering, Dr. Eric Busby; Environmental and Natural Resources, Eliana Dykehouse; Horse Evaluation, Luke Hendryx; Range Plant ID, Dr. Bonnie Warnock; Veterinary Science, Dr. Jamie Boyd; and Wildlife & Recreation Management, Dr. Ryan Luna.
Additionally, students enrolled in the Agricultural Leadership course, taught by Dr. Carl Igo, are providing assistance and coordination for each CDE. Student coordinators include Jackson Carroll, Corbin Dube, Lucas Dunand, Nicholas Hinojosa, Sara LeBlanc, Julia McMillin and Yancy Perkins, who have been working with the various event superintendents to secure equipment, materials, animals and volunteers.
While specific contests have varied, data shows that Sul Ross has hosted this opportunity for intermediate and secondary students since the 1950’s, though this is the first year for Applied Agricultural Engineering and Environmental and Natural Resources.
For more information email carl.igo@sulross.edu or call 432-837-8260.