• courtesy of Dr. Mark Saka •
Sul Ross State University’s Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences will present two lectures by graduate student Craig “Griz” Adams on Oct. 9-10 in Lawrence Hall Room 300 at 7:00 p.m.
Adams’ lectures are part of his ongoing research into the history of the American Civil War and the pivotal events that shaped its outcome.
The Oct. 9 presentation will cover “The Battle of Gettysburg: A field study of the Sickles-Longstreet Engagement on the 2nd day, July 2nd, 1863, and the controversy that followed.”
The Oct. 10 presentation is entitled “The Battle of Gettysburg: A field study of General George Meade’s midnight ride down Cemetery Ridge on the night of July 1st, 1863/early morning of the 2nd; How well could he see the terrain that night on his reconnaissance ride and did those nighttime observations ‘misposition’ any of his Union Corps he deployed for battle on July 2nd?”
For further information, please contact Dr. Mark Saka, professor of history and political science and chair of the department of behavioral and social sciences at 837-8304 or msaka@sulross.edu.