• by Steve Lang •
Nine new members were initiated into the Sul Ross State University Zeta Delta Chapter of the Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) International during ceremonies Thursday evening (May 16) in the Pete P. Gallego Center.
New initiates and their hometowns are: Mashyell Calderon, Eagle Pass; Patricia Eaves, San Antonio; Quinn Forshee, Big Spring; Michele Hayden, Midland; Telisa Jones, Houston; Christa Long, Midland; Ernesto Rivera, Alpine; Allyson Scown, Alpine; Irene Tagle, Midland.
Graduation cords were presented to: Forshee; Rebecca Luna, El Paso; Rivera; Scown; and Haifen Wang, Xingqing District, Yinchuan, China.
Dr. Jeanne Qvarnstrom, counselor for the organization, and Rebecca Garcia, chapter president, presided. Justin Gonzales, Sul Ross graduate, KDP member and presently the principal of Alpine Middle School, made brief remarks and awarded certificates and graduate cords.
Jones was welcomed as the new Zeta Delta Chapter president, succeeding Garcia.
The Society inducts individuals who have exhibited the ideals of scholarship, integrity in service, and commitment to excellence in teaching and its allied professions. Selection as a member of Kappa Delta Pi is based on high academic achievement, a commitment to education as a career, and a professional attitude that assures steady growth in the profession.
Founded in 1911 at the University of Illinois, Kappa Delta Pi is the largest honor society in education, representing 582 undergraduate and professional chapters and more than 45,000 active members. Its most distinguished members over the last century have included Margaret Mead, Albert Einstein, George Washington Carver, and current leaders in education Howard Gardner, Maxine Greene, and Carol Gilligan.
For more information, contact Qvarnstrom, (432) 837-8395 or jqvarnstrom@sulross.edu.