• courtesy of Dr. Chris Ritzi •
The Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics programs, in conjunction with the McNair Scholars Program, represented Sul Ross State University this year at the Texas Academy of Science meeting in Brownwood. The meeting was held from March 1-2 on the campus of Howard Payne University. We had four faculty and four undergraduate and graduate students in attendance. Sul Ross was responsible for six scientific presentations, representing different areas of interest. The presentations and their presenters were:
“Hierarchical Porous Carbon Fabric Membrane Derived from ZIF-8/PAN: Electrospinning Synthesis and Application as Anode for Sodium-Ion Battery” by Dr. Yanfeng Yue and Monica Argueta, Sul Ross State University; and Hong-Yu Guan, GouangZhou University.
“Survey and life history of bee fly parasitoids (Diptera: Bombyliidae) of Hymenoptera within Brewster and Jeff Davis counties of Texas” by Lauren G Garrett and Dr. Chris M Ritzi.
“Assessing the Immunotoxicity of RNA Nanorings with Varied Functional Orientations” by Yelixza Idalyss Avila, SRSU and Morgan Chandler and Kirill A. Afonin, University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
“Monitoring of Three Biocontrols for Salt Cedar in the Trans Pecos Texas and Southeastern New Mexico” by Dr. Chris M Ritzi.
“Development of Synthetic Carbohydrate Biomimetics as Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Prophylactics” by Juan C. Mora, and Dr. David Leaver.
“Estigmene acrea Crossing Dunes with “Island Hopping” Technique” by Alexander G Martinez and Dr. Chris Ritzi.
The above presentations represented work conducted by students and faculty in the Biology, Geology, and Physical Sciences Department, covering a variety of different research areas and topic sections. Of the presentations above, those by Yelixza Avila and Juan Mora were funded this past summer by the McNair Scholars Program, giving these undergraduates the opportunity to conduct funded research here at Sul Ross State University. Not only did Sul Ross deliver a number of presentations, we also served on the Board of Directors in the Academy this year. Dr. Chris M. Ritzi served his second year as Executive Secretary for the Academy, and has done so since the beginning of Fall 2017.
Next year’s annual meeting will be held at Stephen F. Austin University in Nacogdoches from March 6-7. The Texas Academy of Science is our state organization whose mission is promoting scientific research in Texas colleges and universities, encouraging research as a part of student learning, and working to enhance the professional development of its members. If anyone has any questions or interest in the Academy, please contact Dr. Chris Ritzi at 432-837-8112. For further information about the McNair Scholars Program, please contact Dominique Vargas at 432-837-8019.