
Saturday, May 10th, 2025 at the International Center for Trade in Eagle Pass, TX.
(3295 Bob Rogers Dr.)

The ceremony begins at 2:30 p.m.

The facility is directly behind the SWTJC/SRSU campus.

Commencement will be available to watch online here:


Commencement Speaker TBA

No tickets required. 

Limit of 10 guests per student. 

No reserved seating is available for guests.

No balloons allowed.

Order your cap, gown, and tassel online

Choose the appropriate gown, either bachelor’s or a master’s as they are different.

Master’s degree candidates will specify which discipline i.e. Business, Education, etc. because the hoods are different colors.

Specify your height. Gowns are “one size fits most” and if you need a plus size, indicate that in the comment box.

Call the Bookstore at 432.837.8194 if you have questions.

Bachelor’s degree candidates have the option of purchasing a red satin stole, but it is not required. Master’s candidates may also purchase one, but please wear it under your gown so it does not detract from your hood.

You may also wear the cap and gown worn at an SWTJC ceremony, but please purchase a tassel.

If you only need a tassel ($12) or stole ($32), please call 830.758.5018 to order. Supplies are limited.

If you have any questions regarding commencement, call our office at 830-758-5018 or email Marcela Villarreal at and she will be glad to answer questions.