
The following information is provided for the purpose of assisting account managers with the preparation of their departmental budgets.

For more on state budgeting and expenditures of Texas state agencies, visit the state site Where the Money Goes.

Legislative Appropriations Requests

Legislative Appropriations Request - 5% Reduction Plan

Annual Financial Reports

Annual Operating Budgets

The documents in this section are available from within the SRSU network only otherwise indicated. A paper copy of the current and prior year budgets are available for view at the SRSU Wildenthal Library circulation desk.

Budget Documents

ARRA Reports

Information and reports about American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding may be found at:

To report fraud, waste or abuse related to ARRA funds, visit the Texas State Auditor’s Office Hotline.

Financial Policies

For questions regarding
M&O or Travel, contact:

Corina Ramirez

Director of Accounting and Finance