
Non-resident students may qualify for a waiver of nonresident tuition under the following programs:

Border County Waiver

To provide a waiver of nonresident tuition to individuals who are residents of a county of New Mexico that is adjacent to Texas to enroll in public institutions in Texas while paying a reduced tuition rate, based on the rate charged Texas students at similar institutions in their state.

Border Counties

Residents of bordering New Mexico counties are eligible to pay in-state tuition rates through a tuition reciprocity agreement between Texas State University System components and New Mexico institutions of higher education.

Counties in New Mexico that border the state of Texas are:

  • Dona Ana
  • Otero
  • Eddy
  • Lea
  • Roosevelt
  • Curry
  • Quay
  • Union

Proof of a permanent address in a bordering county must be presented to the Registrar prior to the census date for the term in which the waiver is sought.

NOTE: No such reciprocity agreements exists with Oklahoma, Arkansas, or Lousiana.

Competetive Scholarship Waiver

To allow a public institution to grant a waiver of nonresident tuition charges to individuals who receive scholarships totaling at least $1,000 awarded by their institution in competition open both to residents and to nonresidents.

Mexican Citizens with Financial Need-Border Nations Waiver

To permit a small number of individuals with financial need, who are citizens of Mexico, to enroll in any public university in Texas while paying the resident tuition rate.

Military: After Assignment in Texas

To provide a continuation of the waiver of nonresident tuition for the spouse and/or dependent children of military personnel who remain in Texas when the military member is reassigned to duty outside the state.

Military: Assigned to Duty in Texas

To provide a waiver of nonresident tuition to the member, spouse and dependent children of non-Texas members of the U.S. Armed Forces and Commissioned Officers of the Public Health Service while they are stationed in Texas.

Military: Honorably Discharged, Separated or Retired Veterans who Move to Texas

To provide an immediate waiver of nonresident tuition to the veteran, spouse and dependent children who move to Texas upon separation from the military.

Military: Spouse and Dependents Who Previously Lived in Texas

To provide a waiver of nonresident tuition for the spouse and/or dependent child of a member of the Armed Forces of the United States (including the Public Health Service), who is not currently assigned to duty in Texas.

Out-of-State Military: If Family Intent is to Make Texas Home

To provide a waiver of nonresident tuition to the spouse and/or dependent children of non-Texas members of the U.S. Armed Forces and Commissioned Officers of the Public Health Service whose intent it is to make Texas his/her new home.

Research Assistants and Teaching Assistants Waiver

To permit an individual employed at least half time by a public institution of higher education as a research or teaching assistant, and his/her spouse and children, to enroll in public institutions in Texas while paying the resident tuition rate.

Waiver for College Faculty and their Dependents

To provide a waiver of nonresident tuition to teachers and professors employed at least half-time on a regular monthly salary basis by any Texas public college or university. Such waiver is also applicable to the spouse and dependent children of the teacher or professor. Faculty and their dependents are not required to enroll at the same institution listed as the employing institution in order to receive this waiver.