The following OpsMed services are covered by students’ medical fee.
- Office visits and general consultations
- Pregnancy testing
- Pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease counseling‡
- Family planning counseling
- Urinalysis
- Diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infection*
- Vaginitis diagnosis and treatment*
- Management of viral and bacterial infections, gastroenteritis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, skin infections, dermatitis, urticaria*
- Strep throat screening*
- Referral for lab work**
- Allergy injections, rabies and meningitis vaccinations (vaccine and allergy meds paid for by student) No injection fee charge for vaccine administration.
- TB skin testing
- Finger Stick Blood Glucose, Hematocrit, and other quick clinical tests
- Assessment of injuries and referral for x-rays**
- Follow-up care for visit**
- Referral of any serious injury**
- Collection of blood, urine, sputum, stool, and wound swab**
*Students are responsible for the cost of medications or antibiotics used in the treatment and management of disease.
**Students are responsible for the cost of referred medical services plus outsourced laboratory fee, X-rays and other imaging and/or diagnostic procedures and services.