
Our computer replacement program is designed around three pillars

  1.  Computers should not be used after a defined number of years.  Using a computer past its useful life means software cannot be updated properly, hardware tends to break more often, and security measures cannot be ensured.  It is the policy of SRSU that machines for faculty and staff are to be replaced every four years.  If a computer is funded by a grant or through one of our campus partners, the computer must still be replaced every four years but the funding must come from that entity, as Sul Ross cannot pay for these devices.
  2. OIT must have oversight of and manage all computing technology, regardless of the funding source.  OIT manages all computing technology that is used at Sul Ross and connects to our network, regardless of funding source.  Even if a computer is purchased by a Grant, the State of Texas and TSUS still require that asset be managed and maintained by OIT.
  3. Each faculty and staff member of the university is permitted one computer.  If additional computers or hardware is required, it is the responsibility of that department to fund these additional items.  Also note that part-time faculty (adjuncts) and graduate assistance are not assigned a laptop or desktop computer.

These pillars are designed to

  1. lower the costs of our technology
  2. ensure all devices are properly managed
  3. enables accurate inventory records for all equipment

SRSU OIT has defined the following standards for new computers.

  • Windows OS
  • i7 chipset
  • 32Gb RAM
  • 512GB HD
  • 24″ external monitor
  • Laptops include a 14″ internal monitor along with keyboard, mouse, docking station and 24″ external monitor

All other hardware, including 2nd monitor, external hard drives, etc., must be budgeted by the requesting department.

Computers used in the operation of the university must also be connected to our central management server and are required to run an approved anti-virus software package before being able to connect to the SRSU network or any of the services and solutions offered by the university.  Any costs related to the central management server software, the anti-virus software, operating systems, productivity software (Microsoft Office and 365), Adobe Creative Cloud, or other software deemed as “standard software” are paid by SRSU for computers that are funded by the institution.  Computers purchased from other fund sources (i.e. Grants and partner organizations) must also cover the costs of these pieces of software, many of which require annual payment.  All “non-standard software” must be paid by the requesting department.

To start the process of ordering new computers, contact LTAC at or call 432-837-8888.

Office of Information Technology

  • ACR Building – Alpine Campus
  • PO Box C-81
  • Alpine TX 79832
  • Room 304 – Del Rio Campus
  • Room D119 – Eagle Pass Campus
  • B106 – Uvalde Campus

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